Selling a car privately: what should be considered?

Where and how can I sell my car privately?

There are various possibilities. You can place a newspaper advertisement or advertise your vehicle for car sale on the Internet.

How do I increase the chances of actually finding a buyer if I want to sell a car privately?

If your car is in good condition, there is more likely to be a buyer for it. If the condition is below decent, consider selling it to a car buyer such as Trade Cars For Cash

There is a potential buyer. What do I have to consider in the purchase contract and handover when selling a private car?

Be sure to describe all defects in the car in the sales contract and exclude your liability for any defects and damage. Do not hand over the keys and vehicle papers until you have received the full purchase price.

If the vehicle is in a rather poor condition, even professional car preparation can be worthwhile. The better the car looks, the more interested there are. This of course increases your chances of a satisfactory sale.

Especially the determination of a purchase price is a problem for many when it comes to a private car sale. What you should pay attention to is good preparation. Do a research the Internet how comparable used cars of the same model are priced.

If you then invite interested buyers, you should clarify them about any deficiencies and answer all questions truthfully. In the best-case scenario, you should be on board for a test drive . Do not allow yourself to be negotiated too severely in the following price negotiation. If the potential buyer becomes aggressive and does not want to agree to your conditions, you can break off the conversation immediately if you want to sell your car privately. What you should pay attention to: You have no obligations to sell the car.

Of course, a lot depends on the condition of the car. It is clear that the effect of a shiny, perfect body will not be achieved on the old, heavily damaged paintwork, and the engine full of leaks without the help of a mechanic will not change into a perfectly functional one without the help of a magician. But in the case of a functional, but slightly dirty and neglected car, the matter is much easier.

First, the body

One thing about car paint is that it loses its shine and color over time. Changeable weather, sandy brushes in an automatic car wash and inappropriate cosmetics are just some of the dangers lurking in the shiny body. The effect is that after 3-4 years of intensive driving, even after washing, the car does not look as impressive as it does right after leaving the showroom. However, the dull surface is easy to repair.

Paint loss repair – check what you can repair yourself

 Shiny paint

In the case of younger cars, usually only a simple light abrasive paste or lotion is sufficient. Before polishing, the car must of course be thoroughly washed, preferably with lukewarm water, using a good shampoo. In order not to scratch the bodywork, we suggest rinsing off the dust and sand with a high-pressure cleaner or a garden hose. Only then can you tackle more stubborn dirt. It is best to clean them with a brush made of soft, natural bristles. Thoroughly rinse the washed car body and then remove water from it with a rubber squeegee. Before polishing, however, the paint must be thoroughly wiped off. Preferably a leather chamois.

If you struggle to sell your car privately, we invite you to sell your car at Trade Cars For Cash – up to $8999 cash and instant car remvol.